Advanced Analytics
and Artificial Intelligence
Advanced Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Practice
Data, analytics, 人工智能可以为金融机构创造巨大的价值, focusing initially on productivity in operations, marketing, and software engineering. At Global Economics Group, 我们认为,负责任地利用人工智能的潜力不再是一种选择,而是可持续成功的必要条件. 我们的高级分析和人工智能咨询业务致力于帮助银行在其业务的各个方面释放人工智能的潜力,同时降低相关风险并确保负责任的实施.
Our services include:
Risk Management and Governance
金融服务行业面临着围绕人工智能使用的动态监管环境. 强大的治理确保遵守现有的和不断发展的法规, protecting the bank from legal and financial penalties, 包括定义与提议的人工智能解决方案的风险相称的明确的风险和治理途径.
- AI Risk Assessment and Mitigation: We identify and address potential risks associated with AI, such as model bias, explainability, and security vulnerabilities.
- AI Governance and Risk Framework: Implementing robust data governance: Ensuring data quality, privacy, 安全对于可靠的人工智能结果和遵守法规至关重要.
- Responsible AI: 我们与你们合作,为负责任和合乎道德的人工智能使用建立一个强有力的治理框架, ensuring compliance with regulations.
- AI Risk Lifecycle Management: We focus on the identification, measurement, management, 减轻与人工智能相关的风险,同时促进整个生命周期的创新和研究.
- AI Risk and Controls: 我们围绕您负责任的人工智能框架设计和开发风险和控制, focusing on key risks across the lifecycle.
- Explainability and Transparency: 我们设计策略来提高您的人工智能模型的可解释性和透明度, building trust with stakeholders and regulators.
- Model Validation and Testing: 我们帮助机构实施持续的模型验证和测试流程,以确保长期的准确性和公平性.
- Embedding responsible AI practices in the culture: 在整个组织中建立道德的人工智能使用文化可以最大限度地降低风险并促进负责任的创新.
- Implementing robust data governance: Ensuring data quality, privacy, 安全对于可靠的人工智能结果和法规合规性至关重要.
Strategic Guidance and Planning
金融机构可以通过多种方式实现人工智能解决方案的价值. 这些解决方案可以影响其运营的各个方面,并最终有助于改善财务绩效, enhanced customer experience, and better risk management.
- Opportunity Assessment and Prioritization: 我们确定人工智能可以在整个价值链中增加价值的地方, 从客户识别和入职到信用风险和欺诈检测,再到客户服务和营销.
- AI Operating Model: 人工智能运营模型必须以适合目的的组织结构支持人工智能社区, AI strategy, technology and data capabilities, training, communication, and board-level alignment.
- Tailored Strategy Development: 我们与您合作,创建与您的业务目标一致的数据驱动的人工智能战略, risk appetite, and regulatory landscape.
- Feasibility Studies: We assess the technical feasibility, business viability, 以及特定人工智能应用对指导明智决策的潜在影响.
Use Case Advancement and Enterprise Enablement
金融机构必须开发跨不同领域的关键能力,以有效利用人工智能并实施特定的用例, including leadership, culture, change, talent, data, infrastructure, and methodology.
- Use Case Management -确定并优先考虑具有近期价值并可以为项目建立基础数据和功能的用例.
- Model Validation: 我们的专家团队为特定用例验证AI模型, focusing on accuracy, fairness, and explainability.
- Deployment and Monitoring: 我们帮助定义和实现适当的过程和工具,以支持您的AI模型的部署和持续监控, optimizing performance and mitigating bias risks.
- Change Management: 我们帮助您驾驭与人工智能采用相关的组织变革, addressing concerns, and building employee buy-in.
- Training and Development: 我们为您的员工提供全面的人工智能概念培训, benefits, and limitations, 使他们能够有效地使用人工智能解决方案.
- Communication and Engagement: 我们制定沟通策略,让利益相关者了解您的人工智能计划及其对银行运营的影响.
- Vendor Due Diligence: 我们帮助您评估和选择可靠和值得信赖的人工智能供应商.
Data Management and Analytics
In today’s data-driven world, 信息不再仅仅是力量——它是开启增长的钥匙, efficiency, and a competitive edge. But with vast amounts of data at your fingertips, 你如何提取有意义的见解并将其转化为可操作的策略?
- Data Integration and Ingestion: 我们帮助机构利用下一代数据管理技术来设计和构建基础环境,以支持高级分析和人工智能, including ETL processing, standardization and harmonization, data cleansing and prep, and automated data pipelines
- Data Quality and Governance: Managing data quality is critical, and we can help establish the metrics, processes, and tools to ensure data accuracy, completeness, and consistency, including ownership, usage, monitoring, and lifecycle management of data assets
- Data Access and Exploration: 高级数据管理环境的一个关键组件是更多的自助服务, and we can help with data catalogs, metadata management, 以及帮助企业从数据中创造更多价值的数据可视化工具
- Advanced Data Management Services: 我们可以帮助您转换数据管理基础架构,以确保核心数据元素的一致性, 处理复杂多样的数据结构进行高级分析, 并实施政策和工具,以遵守隐私规则和保护敏感数据.
- Advanced data analytics: Explore various techniques to uncover hidden insights, including predictive modeling, which forecasts future outcomes and anticipates trends; data visualization to communicate complex information clearly and effectively and support a data-driven decision process through dashboards, reporting, and analytical models
By developing the right capabilities and practices, 金融机构可以为有效利用人工智能和实施特定用例创造坚实的基础,这些用例可以提供有形价值并支持其长期战略目标. AI is not a magic bullet, and its successful implementation requires careful planning, investment, and a commitment to responsible practices.
Why Choose Global Economics Group?
- Deep Industry Expertise: 我们了解人工智能时代的独特挑战和机遇.
- Proven Track Record: 我们在帮助金融服务公司利用数据方面有着成功的历史, analytics, technology, and AI for competitive advantage.
- Collaborative Approach: 我们与您密切合作,根据您的需求和风险状况量身定制我们的服务.
- Focus on Responsible AI: 我们致力于帮助您以道德和负责任的方式利用人工智能的力量.
Contact An Expert
Darrin Williams | Principal | New York
Steven J. Davis | Director | Chicago
Joseph Doyle | Director | Cambridge
Christopher S. Rigg | Principal| Chicago